Safe  and secure usage of Web Resources for Socially and economically disadvantaged  girl Students

Date : 2nd 13th , 14th October 2012

The programme on  Safe  and secure usage of Web Resources for Socially and economically Educational Outreach programme disadvantaged girl Students was successfully intiated on the IEEE day Oct 2nd,  followed on Oct 13th and 14th as proposed  at PrathyasaBhavan (Home of Hope), Palluruthy, Kochi,  an orphanage for abandoned, neglected and abused girls. The programme was organized by IEEE Kochi Subsection, with support from IEEE R10 EAC and IEEE Kerala Section. Sessions on evolutions and the developments in computers and related technology were handled.The use and misuse of Mobile phones and Web was discussed in detail. Internet searching and email was demonstrated live.  The classes were handled by Mrs. Mini Ulanat, assisted by Mr.Shahim Baker .Books and CDs related to general science reading and computers in specific was donated to the institution for building their library. Also a Digital resource repository has been given and more of such resources will be added to this.