BCC 2014: IEEE Student Branch Counsellors’ Conference

IEEE Kerala Section organized its annual Student Branch Counsellors meet on 26th April 2014 at Abad Plaza Hotel, Cochin. Branch counselors from different SBs from all over Kerala participated in the event. The event consisted of Industry-Academia interaction sessions headed by various industry leaders, leadership and training sessions headed by Section officials and section SAC …

Talk on “Natural Language Processing – Challenges”

Speaker: Dr. Ambuja Salgaonkar, Head, Dept of CS, University of Mumbai 23 April 2014 : Knowledge representation and its interpretation by machine are two important issues in the contemporary world of natural language processing. India has a great tradition of a time tested theories in this domain. Panini’s contributions have been recognized by the modern …

Link F2F

IEEE Kerala Section organized the LINK F2F meet 2014 on 12th of April 2014. The IEEE SB of KMEA Engineering college , Edathala hosted the event. Section Student Activities officials, LINK Execom Members and Subsection representatives were present. Various training sessions were conducted for student volunteers.

Industrial Visit

On 11th April 2014, IEEE Kochi Subsection arranged an Industrial Visit for students of MA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, to the R&D division of NeST at CSEZ, Cochin.

DLP by Dr. Jacob Baker

IEEE Kerala Section in association with the IEEE SSCS Student Branch Chapter of St. Gits College of Engineering organized a Distinguished Lecture Program on ‘CMOS Mixed Signal Design’ by Dr. R Jacob Baker, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, U.S.A on 11th April, 2014 .

Talk at Sahradaya

5 April 2014 : IEEE Student Branch, Sahrdaya College of Engineering conducted the inauguration of its activities for 2014 along with the Handing Over of the responsibility to the new Execom. Mr Vijay S Paul, ECC – IEEE Kerala Section and IEEE Kochi Subsection was the Chief Guest for the event and handled back-to-back sessions …

Industrial Visit

On 4th April 2014, IEEE Kochi Subsection arranged an Industrial Visit for students of St.Joseph’s College of Engineering Palai, to the R&D division of NeST at CSEZ, Cochin

Talk at Ilahia College of Engineering

On 3rd April 2014, In association with the inauguration of DROIDHACK 2014 Techfest of Ilahia College of Engineering & Technology, Muvattupuzha, Dr. Suresh Nair , Chair IEEE KJochi Subsection, gave a keynote address and awareness session on Benefits of IEEE for students.

WIE F2F Meet

Women in Engineering (WiE) Affinity Group Chapter of Kerala Section organized a Face to Face meet with WiE volunteers of Kerala section on 3oth March 2014 at Cochin. WiE volunteers from various parts of the section, student volunteers and Kochi Subsection Execom members were present during the section.  

All Kerala SIGHT Camp

28-29 March 2014 : IEEE Kerala SIGHT in association with IEEE Kerala Young Professionals, IEEE Kerala Section and IEEE Kochi Subsection conducted a two-day “All Kerala IEEE SIGHT Camp” at Kunjipara Tribal Settlement and its LFA reporting activities at VJCET, Ernakulam. The camp was targeted for the Student Branches in Kerala who host a SB …