Android Bootcamp Training

Date : May 4th & 5th, 2012 Android Bootcamp Training was a hands on training for designing and building mobile applications using Android open-source platform. Android Bootcamp course explained the  philosophy  of  developing  for Android through its main application development  building  blocks  and their interaction with one another. The event took place on May 4th …

IEEE Kochi Subsection Inauguration

Date : 21st April 2012 IEEE MGA approved  the formation of IEEE Kochi on 25th June 2011 and the official formalities were completed by by February 2012. On 2nd March 2012, we received a Congratulatory Letter from IEEE MGA stating that all the formalities related to the formation of IEEE Kochi Subsection has been completed. …

Technical Talk on “BIG DATA”

Date: 29  March2012 Venue: CSI Hall, Kaloor, Kochi. About the Topic: BIG DATA On  29th March 2012, Kochi Subsection organized a technical talk on the topic “BIG DATA”, in association with IETE and CSI. The topic: The world is undergoing a major shift as the “where”, the “what” and the “why” of computing changes.  This …

IEEE & WiE Awareness Session at NPOL

Date: 21 March 2012 Venue: Conference Hall, NPOL, Kochi Participants: 6 Members, 19 Non Members  On 21st march 2012, IEEE Kochi Subsection conducted an awareness session on IEEE and IEEE WiE AG to the women scientists of NPOL (Naval Physical & Oceanographic laboratory- a wing of DRDO), Kochi. The event was organized by Dr. Unnikrishnan, …

Tech Talk – Disaster and Social Media

Sub:  Disaster and Social Media – Topic Extraction for the Great Japan East Earthquake using Data Mining Technique Date: 01 March 2012 No. of participants:  42 ( IEEE members: 11 non members: 31) Venue:  Cochin University of Science & Technology Prof. Takako gave an overview of the Social Media Analysis stressing on  Semantic extraction from …

WIE Meet by Prof. Takako Hashimoto

Date: 01 March 2012 No. of participants:  69 Venue: Hotel SeaPark, Cochin The programme started at 9.30 a.m.. The gathering was welcomed by Mr. Shahim Baker, Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE Kerala Section  & Secretary Kochi Subsection. He introduced the chief guest of the day Prof. Takakao Hashimoto to the audience. Mrs.Mini Ulanat, WIE AG Vice …

BBOX Rural Electrification Project Workshop

Date: 14th February 2012 Time: 04:15pm – 06:00 pm Venue: CUSAT No. of Participant’s: 30 Students and 10 Professional members IEEE R10 Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology presented ‘BBOX Rural Electrification Project Workshop’ co-organized by CUSAT, in Association with Kochi Subsection and IEEE SB CEC on 14th February 2012 at Cochin University of Science …